Drunk driving accidents have been a major problem on roads for decades. In the US, one person is killed by a drunk driver every 39 minutes. If that isn’t shocking enough, what’s worse is that every single one of those deaths could have been prevented. The consequences of drunk driving accidents can be devastating, not…

In recent years, advancements in technology have brought about significant changes in various aspects of our lives, and the automotive industry is no exception. And, with the development of smart cars and automation, we are witnessing a transformative shift in road safety. These innovative technologies are revolutionizing the way vehicles operate, reducing the likelihood of…

Premises liability applies when an accident happens on a property, and the property’s possessor, occupier, or owner can be held liable for injuries and other damages that occur in such cases. Liability applies because these parties are responsible for maintaining the property and the safety of everyone who resides in or visits it. They are…

Being involved in a vehicle accident can leave those involved with serious injuries. Motorcyclists are unfortunately even more likely to suffer from serious or long-term injuries, as they are more vulnerable, especially if hit by a larger vehicle. Weeks, months, or even years after the accident, injured motorcyclists can still be dealing with the long-term…

Spinal cord injuries can be some of the most devastating injuries that a person can experience. They can lead to paralysis, loss of sensation, and a range of other serious physical and emotional issues. If you or someone close to you has suffered a spinal cord injury due to the negligence of another person or…

There’s nothing worse than being involved in an auto accident while getting on with your day, but the fact is that there are around 14,386 daily accidents in America. Statistically, this means that every driver will be involved in some form of accident at some point in their life. On the scene of an accident,…

Driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal and comes with serious consequences including injuries, incarceration, and so much more. The impact of drunk driving doesn’t only reach the driver, but those around them including family, people involved in accidents, and the family of collision victims. Throughout this article, we’re going to discuss how drunk…

A motorcycle is one of those things many people dream of owning. There can be something wildly freeing about riding a motorcycle, regardless of the type. But what people don’t usually want to think about is the accidents that can occur while riding. Thanks to the very makeup of a motorcycle, accidents can potentially be…

The hope is that you go through life healthy and happy, able to enjoy all it has to offer. Unfortunately, that isn’t the reality for everyone, and sometimes something traumatic happens, leaving you to deal with some rather serious health issues. If you’ve suffered a catastrophic injury, the long-term effects aren’t just physical, but also mental….

The workplace can be a stressful environment, but with that said, it can also be a dangerous environment. While some are known to be more dangerous than others, accidents can happen, and they can lead to traumatic consequences. Unfortunately, according to statistics from the National Safety Council (NSC), workplace accidents are on the rise, as…